Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Year's Eve!!!

Over the past few days all I have been doing is meeting up with old chums and spending time with the family and the pets.  Nice leisure time never seemed to go by so fast in my whole life!  I went out and met my cousin Bryan at his bar for one night thinking we would just have a quick beverage and head home 2 nights before new year’s eve.  Not surprisingly, it turned into a gongshow.  I’m not really sure why (probably because we are wicked awesome and we are the only ones that lived in columbus) but the Balemians and the Flynns have always been a close bunch and when I was little all I wanted to do was hang out with the older kids (I was the youngest in the group) and as soon as I was old enough to party, we have had a super kickass good time :)  Bryan and I are pretty tight and the fact that he owns a bar works to my advantage like no other.  Our “quick” outing turned into about 4 hours and many many many many shots and cocktails that I have no recollection of.  Kyle met us out and had to take me home.  Great guy, huh??  The next day I had to wake up hard core early with a raging hang over and meet my cousins up at the lake to go snowboarding.  It was rough, but I managed to drive the whole way without having to stop and puke on the side of the road.  We hit the slopes and after my hang over passed I was able to enjoy some much needed family time with the younger cousins that I never get to hang out with.  It was a great day in the snow and surprisingly we all came back in one piece.  The following day I slept in super late and hung out with the pops.  He’s awesome.  Like, the greatest guy ever.  I actually feel bad that I have the greatest dad ever because it means that everyone else has to settle for something just a bit not as great as me.  Lucked out super good with Tim Flynn for sure :)  And when the evening came around we got ready in our Jackets get up and headed out to the Columbus Blue Jacket’s NHL game.  

nasty seats

rock on jackets, rock on

We have the greatest season tickets and the game was insane!!  That night 2010 drew to a close and signified an end to yet another year that has gone by waayyyy too fast.  That and another NYE down where I didn’t get a good luck kiss for the new year.  i’ve never been kissed for NYE for year!!!  ooo well, there’s always next year...well THIS year :)

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