Thursday, February 10, 2011

Back in the saddle again

I´M BAAAAAACCCKKKK.  Okay: I´m going to really work on updating this as often as I can fit into my schedule.  I know I know, you´ve read this before but I really do plan on keeping this up THIS time :)  I´m telling you, I can´t wait until next year when I have the time to sit back, relax, and blog as much as my little heart desires (and obviously have more of a social life, meet more people, and travel at least double as much as I am this year).  This year the classes I am taking, the classes I am teaching, and all this spanish nonsense is keeping my pretty busy.  Next year, however, I´ll be free to gallavant around the city as I see fit.  Monday I was completely exhausted in classes after the superbowl situtation the night before BUT I somehow managed to fight through the grogginess and pump out some fun lessons.  Classes were a bit hard to sit through on tuesday night and by the time I got home (around 10) I was more than delited to see that my roommate had made a family dinner.  I grabbed a burrito, a shower, and hit the hay in a flash.  Wednesday was another B-E-A-utiful day in lovely Madrid and I even pushed through and walked the 7 miles back to my apartment after school instead of riding the train.  Such an amazing walk through the city.  I work on the northern outskirts of the city and live on teh south so I get to walk all the way through Madrid.  A nice little tour of the whole city and a great way to get an idea of where everything around me is :)  Keeping it real quiet for the week but there are big things to be had this weekend!!  So glad it´s thursday!  sooooo close  to el fin de semana i can taste it!!   :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brenna I'm following your blog now. I blog too. Mom (Aunt Barb) told me about your life in Spain. Sounds great! Looking forward to knowing more. Me and Nelly (my wife) plan on going there someday in the not too distant future. Keep the blog posts coming! your cousin, Jim
