Sunday, September 26, 2010

laxin it up

This weekend was GREAT and very well deserved.  I was soo busy all week with teaching class and being a student in class and all the commuting so it was soo nice to just relax this weekend.  Friday after classes I met all the roommates out for drinks at a wine bar near Christina's school.  Great wine and great tapas.  We then came back home and napped for an hour or so and decided we were going to trivia night :) We showered up, got dressed, had a few adult beverages here and set out for trivia at an english bar in the center of Madrid.  We playes really great and ended up beating about 10 teams to come in a solid third.  Although I ama  big fan of being the best, for a first outting i'll take top three.  After that we walked around downtown for a while and finally made it back home somewhere in the early AM.  Saturday I caught up on Dexter.  All day, DEXTER.  Holy moley I'm officially obesessed and I spent all day Saturday in bed watching TV.  It was so fantastic and we made a great lunch and great dinner to go with it.  Great success. Sunday I woke up late, worked on some lesson plans and then headed out to my first actually training session and practice with Team Madrid.  Lacrosse here isn't big so it wasn't a great shocker to see there were quite a few different levels of skill on this team.  We half the field with the men's team and the first hour was just conditioning.  The mean started to run and the ladies were just kind of goofing off.  I asked if I could join the men's team in training and I guess they thought I was joking so they said "yeah, go for it".  To their amazement I ran over to the guys and started their workouts.  Much more effective.  I have decided that I am going to train with them from now on.  I like the girls but it's a great challenge to keep up with these guys and I figure if I'm taking the effort to come out to these practices, I want to get the most out of it :)  Tomorrow when I have to walk to class and I'm tight as can be I might not be so proud of myself, but right now I feel pretty good about it.  there are a few americans on both the guys and girls' teams and I really like the players.  Our next tournament is looking like it's going to be in Munich, Germany so I'm SUPER freaking excited about that one!!  This eveing I'll be working on lesson plans for the week and hopefully hitting the sheets around 12.  Great weekend but I'm actually excite to get back to work and rock out some sick classes :)

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