Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tengo el mundo en mi clase de espanyol

Getting settled back into the fast pace of Madrid living is way easier than I thought and I still can’t believe how great things are here.  The only problem is that everything is going by so quickly!! I feel like I am just living someone else’s crazy dream and I’m just waiting for them to wake up and burst my spanish bubble.  But, in the mean time, I plan on enjoying this crazy time I call life.  I went for it and finally bought my ticket to Budapest and will be there for the first long weekend in November.  Seriously, I can’t wait to get some QT with my James :)  I’m seriously so excited for this weekend that I can barely stand it!  The only thing getting me by is knowing that time is flying and it will get here before I know it!!  I also was just informed that my crazy DFW (down for whatever) lax friend from college will be in Madrid with me for the weekend of Halloween.  AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!  Before I know it we’ll be celebrating American Thanksgiving and then I’ll be sailing thru the skies on a plane home to be reconnected with my heart <3 in Ohio.  I feel like I should be writing a book on how amazing things are going right now but I wouldn’t be doing life justice because I wouldn’t be able to squeeze all my amazing memories into just one book!  Life is good ladies and fellas, life is reeeaaaallll good.  I’m slowly learning my way thru the spanish language and my classes are going pretty well.  I am the only girl in the class but it’s great because I have 5 guys in there with me from all over the world.  There guys are from Poland, England, South Korea, Italy, and a crazy Dutch guy from the Netherlands.  I say crazy because I mean he is soo freaking funny.  He has a house in Holland that he drives to every once in a while and we have already decided that I’ll be in attendance for the next road trip!  hahaha, he seriously has no idea what he is getting himself into but I’m sure we’ll have a good time.  On top of that our teacher is a Spanish guy (obviously!) so we represent 7 countries and you should hear our conversations we have with each other during our after class beers that we all get together in Sol.  If I could just work and go to Spanish classes I would have it so made over here.  I am not a huge fan of my masters classes only because they are about 1.5 hours away and they are 4.5 hours long so it’s about a 7.5 hour ordeal every Tuesday and Thursday after work that I have to go thru.  Such a long day!! But, who knows...maybe next year I’ll be over here just teaching and taking more spanish :)  Spanish is such a beautiful language and I’m getting to the point where I can understand most of it when I read it and when others talk to me but it is soooo frustrating that I can’t carry on conversations yet!  I’ve been here for about 5 weeks now, that should be enough time to become fluent, right?!?!  Clearly I got my dad’s patience...

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