Thursday, October 28, 2010

Everyday is a start of something beautiful.

So today was just another day in paradise and my kids were great today.  Even the kids that have a hard time paying attention: GREAT.  I have decided that holidays aren't just around to give people an excuse to eat in excess and have parties, they are here to give teachers a reason to be excited for lesson planning.  My kids are eating up halloween classes like little american kids eat up nasty candy corn.  We have been singing and dancing and watching movies all week and they actually like it.  The kids that act too cool for school STILL were dancing the cha cha slide and singing the addams family theme song with me. HOLLA!!  It's a bit exhausting for me to always be a flaming ball of energy at school but I have come to the overwhelming conclusion that if I stay busy, the kids stay busy.  If I'm having fun, the kids are having fun.  If I am willing to act like a complete idiot, the kids are willing to act like complete idiots as well.  fan-freakin-tastic.  I have also just talked to an old roommate from Ireland and we have decided to have a reunion in Barcelona in a few weeks and i am soooooooo excited to see him!  I feel like it's been forever!  So, looking at my schedule, I am going to be a VERY busy bee all the way thru the new year.  Every day I leave my house around 7 or 8 depending on the day and come home around 10.  The weekends are the only times I really don't have things scheduled...until now.  This weekend crazy Ali Gibbs is coming for halloween so clearly I wont be getting any sleep for the next 3 days.  Next weekend I'll be visiting the dashing James Harrell III in Budapest, the following week I'm going to Barcelona with Brian, the following weekend is Thanksgiving.  That concludes November and starts crazy December.  The first weekend we'll be going ot Amsterdam and then heading down to Germany to celebrate my birthday, the following weekend I am taking the LSAT and the weekend after tha tis my last weekend in Madrid because the following Wednesday I'll be getting on a plane back to the good ol' USof A.  Holy crap, I'm a bit tugged out just thinking about it but I serisously can't wait for all the crazy escapades to come!  Not to mention all the amazing people I'll be meeting along the way.  After meeting people at random around the world I'm starting to realize that things aren't really random at all.  I think you meet everyone in your life to serve a purpose.  Maybe you don't know exactly what it is at first, but all things come back around.  So, like I said before, everyday is a start of something beautiful and I'm coming to the point now where I literally can't wait to wake up to start a new day.  gaaaahhhhhh I LOVE MY LIFE!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like how I am dashing and have my full name on your blog. LIFE win.
