Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It finally happened. CRAZY metro ride

So, remember when I said I had a great weekend and on Monday, after a great day I predicted that this week was going to be nothing short of the bees' knees?? lies.  all poppycock nonsense.  I woke up yesterday with a MASSIVE cold and felt under the weather all day teaching.  I felt sooo bad for the kids, how are they supposed to be excited to learn when their teacher is being a huge crabby patty??  my bad.  So this morning is my waayyy early morning and I woke up feeling less than par and headed for the metro ride to school.  Everything was business as usual on the yellow line for exactly 2 stops.  And then it happened.  I felt a HUGE tug of my hair, whiplash, and then I was on my ass.  What. The. Heck.  After I realized I wasn't dreaming I looked over to see a man with a fist full of my hair siezing on the ground next to me.  I guess on the way down he reached out to try to catch himself and got a monster grip on my blonde locks.  He had an episode for about 3 minutes which seemed like about 4 lifetimes with my hair in a horrible death grip and NOBODY would help.  They all stepped about 2 steps back and watched as this man literally looked like he was dying and all i could do was hold his head so it wouldn't hit the ground and try to keep from freaking the F out.  He finally came to and sat up clearly not knowing where he was.  Someone eventually pulled the E-brake and we were able to get him off the metro and my hair was given back to the proper owner.  I was about 5 minutes late to class and told the teacher I work with all about it.  her response?? "yeah, it was the first time but it wont be the last, the metro is very unpredictable".  2 things with that statement caught my attention.  1-SHE WASN'T SURPRISED BY MY STORY!! like that shit happens every day or something. 2-her first sentence implied that someone will have an episode on the metro and pull me down by my hair again but her second sentence told me that the metro was unpredictable.  A bit of a contradiction, dontcha think???  Either way this morning was mad crazy.  HOWEVER, since it's the week of halloween I shared a bunch of pictures with them as well as songs and movie clips from halloween in the US.  I then taught them the monster mash and "casper" cha cha slide.  For today, I was more popular than the tooth fairy with these kids.  The bad thing?? they REALLY liked the cha cha slide, i have a feeling that today isn't the last time we'll be doing that one.  Clearly shot myself in the foot there.

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