Sunday, November 21, 2010

feelin good, feelin great, feelin are you?!?

I saw HARRY POTTER this weekend!!!  :D

GGAAAAAHHHHHH holy moly yet another week has gone flying by without so much as a breath, blink, or new blog.  I'm telling you, I don't know how or why it is happening, but time is just FLYING by so quickly I don't know what to do with myself!  I have been enjoying every single second of it but it turns out when you pack your day busy with teaching, school work, learning a new language, and trying to hold a healthy social life together, you find it difficult to take a step back, take a deep breathe in and enjoy the moment you are in.  I'm so busy that I think I am constantly thinking about what is next, not how much fun I'm actually having in that moment.  I know you guys are absolutely sick of me saying this; but life here is sooo perfect :)  Teaching english to my kids every day is getting more and more rewarding.  I've been teaching them for 2 months now and I'm actually already starting to see the fruits of my labor.  Kids that have failed english classes in the past are not only picking up a stronger vocabulary bank, they are forming whole sentences and are really trying to express their ideas to me COMPLETELY in english!! You have no idea how good that feeling is unless you are in this field, but it's kind of like when you take the training wheels off of your child's bike and spend weeks with your child teaching them how to ride that bike and holding it while running behind them so they don't fall and then all of the sudden one day you let go of their bike and they ride it all on their own.  It's amazing.  Perfect.  Love it.  I am also learning a whole lot about my culture by having to teach it to them.  Hey Americans: can you tell me the history of thanksgiving?? yeah, up until last week I couldn't tell it either.  BUT I did some major research, picked out the important/interesting things and now not only can I tell it to you, but my kids can too.  Pretty cool, huh?  You know what else is pretty cool?? Having me as a teacher :)  Last week I taught some of my classes American slang.  They now can say things like "Yo, bro, SUP?!?" and "Hey, chick.  Did you catch that flick last week?" "rock on, brah.  it was so cool".  I even showed them how to hit the rock and high five.  All I'm saying is: if there was a cool contest going on between all the schools that are included in our masters program, it wouldn't even be fair.  My ninos would DESTROY the chumps from the other colegios.  Needless to say my week rocked out last week and I spent the weekend at the Mexican festival around Plaza de Espanya, saw the newest Harry Potter flick (and finally had my fix of movie theater popcorn), and planning out this week's classes.  I teach from 6th grade to high schoolers so we have some major skills and ability differences along the way but it's cool to see all of them progress.  AND, to my surprise, the little kids are picking up english just as fast as the older ones.  Makes my life just that much easier, right?!?!  HOLLER!!  Living the good life over here, y'all.  If I were you I would seriously consider quitting all of your jobs, schools, and whatever else you are doing and come join me in paradise...ASAP    :)


  1. i love you. I'm seeing Harry Potter with my dad this week in Budapest!
