Monday, August 29, 2011

New great look, same great taste

          OOhh my my my how ironic is that last post?? Talkin all about how I'm going to work harder to keep up with my blogging and posts and then dropping off the face of the earth for a good 6 months.  If there's one thing to learn from that last post it's this: I. Am. A. LIAR!!  Big fat stinkin' liar, huh?!?  The saddest part about the statement I made claiming to keep up with this: I really believed it.  Don't feel bad for checking back in hopes of me keeping up my promise only to be duped.  I too fell victim of the nonsensical claim that I would prescribe to new blogs on a daily basis.  Therefore I hold no grudges against the people who don't believe this next statement. --> I WILL start keeping these post coming fresh to ya as frequent as possible.  Honestly, THIS time I fully intend to keep my word and hit the blog scene running once again :)
         I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that I am the busiest person in the world and that is my resoning for not writing about all of my outtings.  That would be an exaggeration.  But it wouldn't be a complete lie to say i was probably in the top 5.  Between getting my masters finished up, writing my thesis (surprise! I waited 'til the last minute to write that bad boy), hosting my family, hosting some rowdy canadians, getting my last minute travel in (malaga, granada, italy, and barcelona), and trying to muster up enough lesson plans to last the rest of the complete whirlwind of a school year...I've had my hands full!  However, this doesn't excuse me for the lull that has been experienced during the summer months.  To sound completely selfish (not sound, I HAVE been completely selfish this summer) I just wanted to relax and have some good ol' fashion quality time with my bad self.  I spent quite a few nights at the lake which, after all my traveling, is still my most favorite place on this incredible earth.  I went kayaking, water skiing, tubing, and had my fill of adult beverages.  We also took trips up to Niagra falls, toledo to visit some family, Michigan (booo) to visit my beautiful sister (yaaayyy), Chicago to catch a Sox game, and a finally a week long stay in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.  Now, you might find yourself wondering "where the heeeccckkk is that??".  Don't worry, I assure you that you are not alone.  Up until I met people that lived there did I believe that Nova Scotia sounded like a city that Old Navy thought up to write on their clothes as an adventurous ocean side getaway.  Forget the Old Navy part and to my delight, that previous statement held to be pretty true.
         Now, after almost 2 months outside of Europe, I'm starting to prepare for another go.  Round 2 begins on September 7th and although it sounds like I've been relaxing for 2 months, I'm not so sure I'm exactly ready to dive back into the world of teaching.  This may come as a shock, but I rather enjoy living on my own time :)  Don't get me wrong, when the time comes I'm sure i'll be thinking to myself "What were ya thinkin Bren, you LOVE this stuff!!" The best way to describe it is like eating an incredibly delicious and filling dinner and then hearing the waitor say, "who saved room for dessert??" At first you kick yourself for not realizing that there is the possibility of dessert but after they bring out the perfectly sculpted ice cream scoops you have no choice but to dig in.  It's at that exact moment that you think to yourself "I wasn't sure if I was ready for this but DAAAMMNNNN this is good."  Oh yeah...just like that :)
        Welp, now that I believe I've taken the past few paragraphs to do a poor job of catching you up to date on what's been going on, I will start to get my things ready for the trip back to Spain and am promising you to do a better job of keep all in the loop of my happenings.  I'll leave you with a great quote that I've decided to live my Spanish time by and a pinky promise that you'll hear from me soon!

"Let your mind start a journey thru a strange new world.  Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before.  Let your soul take you where you long to be...Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before."
-Eirch Fromm